Center of Learning and Afrocentric Orientation Acda Emc - Georgetown, Guyana
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School name
Center of Learning and Afrocentric Orientation Acda Emc
9 Thomas Road, Thomas Land, Georgetown, Guyana
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 – 16:30
- Tuesday: 08:00 – 16:30
- Wednesday: 08:00 – 16:30
- Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30
- Friday: 08:00 – 16:30
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
The Centre of Learning and Afro-Centric Orientation (COLAACO) is an Early Childhood and Primary School located at 9 Thomas Road Thomas Lands, Georgetown.
COLAACO was established by the African Culture and Development Association (ACDA) to support low-income households struggling with providing quality education to their children.
The school is managed by the Education Management Committee of the African Culture and Development Association (ACDA).
We provide a wide variety of programs designed to meet the needs of all students.
The early childhood section includes a Play Group for 2-year-olds. For the 3-5-year-olds there's the Nursery One and Nursery Two departments. The Primary Department includes Grade one through Grade six.
We perform fun, creative and problem-solving activities
Our curriculum is guided by the Ministry of Education syllabi. At the Primary level, we prepare students for National Grade Assessments.
A safe, orderly and positive environment is created that is conducive to effective teaching and learning for all. This is done by our certified, competent and caring teachers.
At COLAACO, we help prepare a foundation where students are equipped to handle secondary education, tertiary education, the workplace, and beyond!
Our goal is that all of our students will learn and succeed.
Our Vision
The vision is to ensure all students irrespective of their religious, ethnic, cultural and social background are fully educated formally and informally, so that each child could be provided with the opportunity to fulfill his/her educational potential and make positive contribution to society.
Our Mission
The mission of the school is to provide excellent quality education, culturally morally and socially. With these skills students will be able to fulfill their potential as productive and successful citizens in the modern world.
Our Successes
Every day our students work hard to reach their goals and COLAACO is proud when their dedication is recognized. Listed below are few of their accomplishments:
Our first offering in the 2013 National Grade 2 Assessment, we have had an average student pass rate of 84.2%.
One student within the Grade 2 Assessment, attained an average score of 84.5% and also received more than 80% in the subjects of Reading, Mathematics, and English.
Our students are also 2nd and 3rd place winners of the 2014 Mashramani Dance and Costumes competition.
COLAACO was established by the African Culture and Development Association (ACDA) to support low-income households struggling with providing quality education to their children.
The school is managed by the Education Management Committee of the African Culture and Development Association (ACDA).
We provide a wide variety of programs designed to meet the needs of all students.
The early childhood section includes a Play Group for 2-year-olds. For the 3-5-year-olds there's the Nursery One and Nursery Two departments. The Primary Department includes Grade one through Grade six.
We perform fun, creative and problem-solving activities
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that stimulate learning and brain development. These include music, drama, art and craft, and physical education.Our curriculum is guided by the Ministry of Education syllabi. At the Primary level, we prepare students for National Grade Assessments.
A safe, orderly and positive environment is created that is conducive to effective teaching and learning for all. This is done by our certified, competent and caring teachers.
At COLAACO, we help prepare a foundation where students are equipped to handle secondary education, tertiary education, the workplace, and beyond!
Our goal is that all of our students will learn and succeed.
Our Vision
The vision is to ensure all students irrespective of their religious, ethnic, cultural and social background are fully educated formally and informally, so that each child could be provided with the opportunity to fulfill his/her educational potential and make positive contribution to society.
Our Mission
The mission of the school is to provide excellent quality education, culturally morally and socially. With these skills students will be able to fulfill their potential as productive and successful citizens in the modern world.
Our Successes
Every day our students work hard to reach their goals and COLAACO is proud when their dedication is recognized. Listed below are few of their accomplishments:
Our first offering in the 2013 National Grade 2 Assessment, we have had an average student pass rate of 84.2%.
One student within the Grade 2 Assessment, attained an average score of 84.5% and also received more than 80% in the subjects of Reading, Mathematics, and English.
Our students are also 2nd and 3rd place winners of the 2014 Mashramani Dance and Costumes competition.
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