Splashmins Resort, Eco Adventure Park & Tours - Georgetown, Guyana
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Hotel name
Splashmins Resort, Eco Adventure Park & Tours
Timehri, Georgetown, Guyana
Contact number
+592 225 6052
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Company description
The making of Splashmins began in May of 1997 and was officially opened in April of 2000 by the Ashmins group of companies.
Named Splashmins this spectacular man made Resort was landscaped to showcase Guyana’s eloquent beauty. It was created from the pure swampland of the Madewini Basin, through which flows the Madewini stream and is nestled in the heart of the Madewini wetlands on the Linden, Soesdyke Highway. In the beginning trees were cut and used to fill back the nine feet swamp. This project was first referred to as a “Mad mans vision” as many thought that CEO Lennox John had to been crazy to entertain the idea that a swamp could have been filled to create a Resort.
He made this vision a reality and earned his reputation for original innovation in construction. The Madewini
This resort is surrounded by vast stretches of unexploited rainforests and open savannahs. Added to this magnificent establishment is now a Resort living community where retired individuals, corporate entities and all other individuals wishing to own a property on a Resort can now do so. The Park is built on some one hundred and sixty three acres of lush vegetation, amidst numerous species of flora and a variety of fauna which include spectacular bird life.
The private entrepreneur has estimated that the project which is done in phases over a five years span will create permanent employment for residents both skilled and unskilled, especially along the Linden/Soesdyke highway. The climate is hot but pleasant for most of the year and natural disasters is something one never worries about.
Named Splashmins this spectacular man made Resort was landscaped to showcase Guyana’s eloquent beauty. It was created from the pure swampland of the Madewini Basin, through which flows the Madewini stream and is nestled in the heart of the Madewini wetlands on the Linden, Soesdyke Highway. In the beginning trees were cut and used to fill back the nine feet swamp. This project was first referred to as a “Mad mans vision” as many thought that CEO Lennox John had to been crazy to entertain the idea that a swamp could have been filled to create a Resort.
He made this vision a reality and earned his reputation for original innovation in construction. The Madewini
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Lake was dug to 500 feet wide and one mile long to accommodate various water activities and water life. Also another 2 miles of creek was cleared to accommodate boat rides in the wetland savannahs. Structures were built to accommodate offices, banquet halls, kitchen, bars, gift shop, walkways and Benabs.This resort is surrounded by vast stretches of unexploited rainforests and open savannahs. Added to this magnificent establishment is now a Resort living community where retired individuals, corporate entities and all other individuals wishing to own a property on a Resort can now do so. The Park is built on some one hundred and sixty three acres of lush vegetation, amidst numerous species of flora and a variety of fauna which include spectacular bird life.
The private entrepreneur has estimated that the project which is done in phases over a five years span will create permanent employment for residents both skilled and unskilled, especially along the Linden/Soesdyke highway. The climate is hot but pleasant for most of the year and natural disasters is something one never worries about.
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